The 9 Enneagram Types

The Reformer is a rule keeper, carrying chronic disappointment that people and circumstances constantly fall short of their high standards. Their need to be right and do things right is unshakeable, no matter the frustration or emotional cost.

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The Helper has a caring and nurturing personality, needing to be needed and to be of value to others by meeting their needs. It's a strategy that allows them to feel good about themselves and be seen as a good, loveable person. But giving without getting leads to resentment, and interpersonal conflict can feel like kryptonite. Honesty is hard if it might hurt another.

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The Achiever is driven by the need for success, often at any cost. This person will be whatever they need to succeed. They're goal-oriented and have a taste for the showy trappings of success. Looking bad for any reason is painful, so feelings are packed away where they belong.

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The Individualist is deeply creative, romantic and often immersed in emotions of the past. They express their creativity uniquely, which provides them with a significance and meaning they feel is missing. Constant comparison and ranking of themselves and their situation to others forces them inward, leaving them feeling different and isolated in social settings. To others they can seem distant and temperamental.

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The Investigator plays the role of expert, overly conscious of their (and others') competence. It is their means of finding a place in the world. Knowledge is their currency, determining what they are vigorously interested in and what tunes them out. Not one for small talk, they guard their time, privacy and energy carefully. They enjoy thinking (preferably alone) because they need to understand. Engagement on issues outside of their expertise or involving emotions is challenging for them.

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The Loyalist is the worrier of the group, finding it hard to escape thinking about the dangers and problems that they see everywhere. It's their job to make a dangerous world safe for themselves and, more importantly, for those around them. When others (like the Enthusiast) can't appreciate the dangers ahead, listening becomes hard and trust even harder.

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The Enthusiast is the cheerleader or entertainer in the group. Their need to be happy means they avoid conflict, bad news and being pinned down through deflection, rationalising and overdeveloped optimism. Confronting reality and the pain of the truth is uncomfortable.

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The Challenger is direct and intimidating, because they fear harm so they decide that they need to be strong. They carry a primal urge to act that can feel like a roiling volcano in their gut. Trusting is hard, and vulnerability is to be avoided at all costs.

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The Peacemaker is focused on maintaining peace, internally and externally. Agreeable and easy going so as to not lose connection with people, they can be overlooked. They listen to others opinions but rarely volunteer their own. Like the Challenger and Reformer they resist what they don’t like, but they do it passively.

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The Reformer is a rule keeper, carrying chronic disappointment that people and circumstances constantly fall short of their high standards. Their need to be right and do things right is unshakeable, no matter the frustration or emotional cost.

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The Helper has a caring and nurturing personality, needing to be needed and to be of value to others by meeting their needs. It's a strategy that allows them to feel good about themselves and be seen as a good, loveable person. But giving without getting leads to resentment, and interpersonal conflict can feel like kryptonite. Honesty is hard if it might hurt another.

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The Achiever is driven by the need for success, often at any cost. This person will be whatever they need to succeed. They're goal-oriented and have a taste for the showy trappings of success. Looking bad for any reason is painful, so feelings are packed away where they belong.

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The Individualist is deeply creative, romantic and often immersed in emotions of the past. They express their creativity uniquely, which provides them with a significance and meaning they feel is missing. Constant comparison and ranking of themselves and their situation to others forces them inward, leaving them feeling different and isolated in social settings. To others they can seem distant and temperamental.

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The Investigator plays the role of expert, overly conscious of their (and others') competence. It is their means of finding a place in the world. Knowledge is their currency, determining what they are vigorously interested in and what tunes them out. Not one for small talk, they guard their time, privacy and energy carefully. They enjoy thinking (preferably alone) because they need to understand. Engagement on issues outside of their expertise or involving emotions is challenging for them.

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The Loyalist is the worrier of the group, finding it hard to escape thinking about the dangers and problems that they see everywhere. It's their job to make a dangerous world safe for themselves and, more importantly, for those around them. When others (like the Enthusiast) can't appreciate the dangers ahead, listening becomes hard and trust even harder.

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The Enthusiast is the cheerleader or entertainer in the group. Their need to be happy means they avoid conflict, bad news and being pinned down through deflection, rationalising and overdeveloped optimism. Confronting reality and the pain of the truth is uncomfortable.

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The Challenger is direct and intimidating, because they fear harm so they decide that they need to be strong. They carry a primal urge to act that can feel like a roiling volcano in their gut. Trusting is hard, and vulnerability is to be avoided at all costs.

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The Peacemaker is focused on maintaining peace, internally and externally. Agreeable and easy going so as to not lose connection with people, they can be overlooked. They listen to others opinions but rarely volunteer their own. Like the Challenger and Reformer they resist what they don’t like, but they do it passively.